
Have you heard about Lolita? Do you know what the Loli is? And have you seen some girl’s clothes are very special or fantastic? Maybe in 新堀江 you have seen the store. I think some of you know about Lolita, today I will do a simple introduction about Lolita.

I.                    What is Lolita

II.                 The Lolita and Loli

III.               Lolita complex

IV.              Dressing of Lolita

In fact, Lolita is a novel. The book is written by a French who lived in Russia. The story is talking about a teacher who fell in love with his stepdaughter. The teacher is about 40 years old; he loves his 12-year-old stepdaughter. Lolita is the diminutive of the stepdaughter by the teacher. Lolita is a very beautiful, young girl and just start to grow. Although she is a girl, she looks like an adult. Now a day in these kind of girls, we call” Lolita”. It’s a common language on Internet, comic books, cosplay and some games.


If you know Lolita, of cause you have to know what Loli is. Loli is a normal language today. Actually, Loli is the abbreviation of Lolita. The pronunciation of Loli is from Japan. In Japan, the Lolita started to become popular. But Lolita has four syllables in Japan so they change it into two syllables. And a new noun Loli-Con is from Japan too. I will tell you the means later.


The book “Lolita” is about the teacher loves the little girl. Therefore that kind of people we call Lolita complex. In Japan we pronounce Loli-Con. Lolita complex is similar to children complex, but it’s not a sickness and a little be different. The people who has children complex usually has the dirty though. And usually will do the crimes with the children. The Lolita complex won’t. The target of children complex usually under than twelve years old, but the target of Lolita complex is only between ten and fourteen. One is crimes and the other is just a feeling and liking.


As you can see, the dressing of Lolita is special. There’re four kind of Lolita dressing. The Traditional Lolita, Gothic Lolita, Classical Lolita and the Punk Lolita. You can see the pictures. The Traditional Lolita is very sweet and fantastic, just like little princess from the castle. These kinds cloth usually have a lot of bowknots on their dress and coronet, and have a lot of lace with fantastic color. The Gothic Lolita. The color of Gothic Lolita almost with color black and white. It’s different with Tradition Lolita. And the Classical Lolita, the Classical Lolita is a new style. The Traditional Lolita garnishes the Europe style. And the last one, Punk Lolita. The Punk Lolita usually like the ocular style. The Punk Lolita usually with color black and red. It’s very different to others Lolita dress. All the Lolita will bring the western-style umbrella, doll or a backpack.


Now we have know what the Lolita is, the different between Lolita and Loli, Lolita complex, and the dressing of Lolita. All the things about Lolita and use today.

In Japan the Lolita dressing are the normal wearing now. And the dressing of Lolita also becomes more and more popular in Taiwan. Also, there is some Lolita tea party in Taiwan. After today, if you are interesting in Lolita, welcome to join us.

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